Leverage OSINT

for Next-Level Brand Intelligence

Generate high-quality brand intelligence with OSINT. Tap into open data to prevent brand misappropriations and effectively counteract unfolding malicious campaigns 

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Leverage OSINT
for Next-Level Brand Intelligence

Generate high-quality brand intelligence with OSINT. Tap into open data to prevent brand misappropriations and effectively counteract unfolding malicious campaigns 

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Types of Brand Misappropriation


A type of impersonation that includes the counterfeiting of a company’s logo, style, naming, website, and social media accounts, mostly in order to conduct massive fraud campaigns such as phishing or fake online stores

Intellectual Property Theft

The misappropriation of sensitive corporate information such as product secrets, visual identities, or technological maps to create copycat items that dilute the market

Counterfeit Distribution

The distribution of goods with misappropriated corporate identities, including factors such as design language, logo, or materials


The active dissemination of false allegations against a company in order to damage its brand reputation in a grassroots manner

Common Challenges

Response Lag

New threats can emerge at any time, and the greater the delay in countering these cases, the more costly they are. By the time a campaign has registered as negative sentiment, a lot of reputational damage has already happened.

in Tracing Leaks

A large proportion of distributed counterfeits and intellectual property trade takes place through hidden channels on the Dark Web


Malicious campaigns are often carried out on social media. This means that once a malicious outlet is identified and shut down, clone accounts can be readily created and these activities relaunched.


While malicious outlets such as social media profiles can be identified, the real-world actor behind the campaigns often remains hidden in anonymity


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innovative & Efficient solutions

Achieve unmatched accuracy and efficiency in your background checks with our cutting-edge methods packed with the latest AI models

Photo and Video Metadata Extraction

Get geocodes and the time and date of media creation to establish when and where the content was created.

Group Structure Mapping


Use data visualization tools and link analysis methods to find even the most obscure ties between individuals across different social media platforms. Generate detailed association networks and collect online evidence.

Social Media Intelligence with Facial Recognition


Utilize advanced AI algorithms to conduct searches from a single image input start. Through biometrics data matching, a person of interest can be reverse searched from an image across social media and beyond.

Account Holder Deanonymization


Gain access to a wide range of advanced search methods to extract email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and any webpages related to an anonymous account.

Darknet Analysis


Monitor darknet forums and breach databases, and use SLDB to uncover the actors behind anonymous profiles. Link PGP keys from darknet activities to accounts on the Surface Web such as email addresses.


Our cutting-edge capabilities go far beyond social media, offering an extensive array of sources to supercharge your investigations

Social Media
Search across all major platforms, find a subject’s educational background, work history, friends, subscribed groups, comments, likes, etc.
The Dark Web
Access to huge quantities of darknet data, including old content, spanning a wide variety of prominent sources.
Link phone numbers and email addresses to messenger accounts, and analyzethe contents of any open chat as well as the activity of its users.
Search through an exclusive set of 2000 public data sources containing 1bln identity data sets
Public Databases
Collect information from corporate registers, offshore leaks and checkwhether the subject is under sanction or on PEP lists
Intelligently analyze cryptocurrency blockchains and their related ecosystems toflag up any potentially dubious financial streams.

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with Social Links

Discover how Social Links can boost your investigations. See our OSINT solutions in action and get answers to burning questions - all within a free and personalized session.

How to book a demo
Fill out the  form below. We’ll get right back to you to discuss your goals.
Please leave accurate information, or we won’t be able to process your request
Choose a demo time that suits you. On completing the form, a Calendy window will appear.
I accept the terms and conditions of Social Links’ DPA (Data Processing Agreement) and authorize the company to contact me for relevant purposes

Types of Brand Misappropriation


A type of impersonation that includes the counterfeiting of a company’s logo, style, naming, website, and social media accounts, mostly in order to conduct massive fraud campaigns such as phishing or fake online stores


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